Monday, September 19, 2005

Anti-Wal-Mart TV Commercial

For the last few months in particular, Wal-Mart has been flooding New York City’s air waves with commercials touting the big-box store’s “everyday low prices.” In response, the Brooklyn-based group Wal-Mart No Way has done something amazing: it has produced its own highly professional TV ad pointing out the high costs of Wal-Mart. The spot, emphasizing the retailer’s affect on neighborhood business, traffic and lower overall wages, will be running on New York 1 and can be downloaded and Wal-Mart No Way’s site.

There will be a press conference today at 10:30 a.m. on the steps of City Hall unveiling the ad and asking New Yorkers to let Mayor Bloomberg know that Wal-Mart is not welcome in New York City.