Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Choice Remarks

In today's NY Post the always provocative libertarian writer Jacob Sallum takes off on the "anti-choice" policies of the nanny state advocates. In particular he cites the policies of the Bloomberg administration around banning trans fat and requiring calorie posting. As he points out clearly the only restaurants required to post are those who are already providing this information to their customers.

So the posting requirement is not "a way of giving consumers useful information," but "...really a way of nagging people who would rather not be reminded how many calories are in that cheeseburger." All of which was pointed out today at our noon press conference at City Hall, an event that was extremely well-covered by the media.

Major shout-outs go to Joel Rivera, who really stood tall in not only defending the city's franchisees, but in underscoring how the needs of health can be balanced with a concern for the well-being of the city's business. Rivera was joined by his colleagues Annabel Palma, David Yassky and Hiram Monseratte. We are still waiting, however, for the speaker to take her first strong stand in support of the city's small businesses. The menu labeling bill would be a good start.