Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Meaningless Million

We really loved the Adam Lisberg column on the Haggerty imbroglio-and the sense that the Bloombergistas were trying to convey that the entire thing was beneath the lofty Mike. After all, what's a measly million to the mayor? As Lisberg tells us: "People on Team Bloomberg insist the mayor was ripped off, and would rather not have it show up in court - especially with Bloomberg likely to be called to testify. They have grumbled for months that Vance is pursuing the case hard because he's a pal of legendary former DA Robert Morgenthau - who left office nursing grudges against the mayor."

Oh, really? Not because it might be discovered that Mike himself violated the campaign laws-as Wayne Barrett has cogently argued? But we really thought the following statement was a kick: "They have grumbled for months that Vance is pursuing the case hard because he's a pal of legendary former DA Robert Morgenthau - who left office nursing grudges against the mayor. "Cy Vance's buddy Morgenthau hates Bloomberg," said one person in the mayor's camp. "Does Vance think Bloomberg even cares about that money?"

In our view, he cares about the money as much as he cares about the election laws-they apply to others, not to someone who could toss a million away without even blinking. But in doing so, he may have committed a crime-even if the money went to a party's housekeeping account. But how was Mike to know? After all, he always has someone else do the housekeeping for him