FYI, Here is a list of other blogs that have mentioned the Neighborhood Retail Alliance's work, usually in reference to Wal-Mart or the Bronx Terminal Market. This a good way to explore some other relevant blogs, even some that disagree with us.
Fighting against big boxes
Richard Lipsky In New York Metro
"Big Boxed Out" in Queens New York
Wyatt-Mart Closes Shop -- The Sequel
NYC vs Walmart: Round 1
Big Labor Kills Another Attempt at Job Creation
REJECTED!!!!!!! Wal-Mart not moving to Queens
A Victory For ALL People Of Good Will..NYC Says NO To WalMart
NYC Council to NYC Consumers: Drop Dead
Rise Up Ye Davids and Slay the Goliath Giant!
Rego Park Fight Underway
Walmart and the "Divine Right of Stagnation"
Come on homies, exercise your exorcism skillz...
Evil Empire
Time for the rat
Wal-Mart watch
Bloomberg the Building Preservationist Daily Update
Bronx Terminal Market ...terminated
Bronx Terminal Market ...terminated for economic development pipe dream
Vote Not-Bloomberg
Your tax dollars at work