Monday, October 24, 2005

Garden of Eden

In her latest installment of “Blog On,” The Daily News’s Dawn Eden gives props to our blog:

On the flip side, there's the Neighborhood Retail Alliance(, a group of small-business owners whose blog - run by Matt Lipsky - revels in the smallest details of local issues.

For the average New Yorker, 350 words on, say, waste management may be a bit much. But if you're an enthusiast, Lipsky's dry wit adds color to even the dullest stories.

Witness this world-weary anecdote from the item about a hearing on Yankee Stadium traffic issues:

"Unfortunately, when an [Economic Development Commission] rep was asked, at a recent hearing, 'How does the city plan to handle the traffic problems from these two major projects?' his only answer was: 'Carefully.'"
We’d like to thank Dawn for her kind words and hope that she and all of you keep returning for our patented “dry wit.”